im missing you more than ever
Sunday, January 18, 2009

waipo had her 80th bday yday! =)) had a lil celebration dinner for her at this restaurant in yishun, and surprisingly, they serve really nice food! pictures and details later. cos i just woke up and i dont wanna go thru the trouble. just wanted to say that my tagboard's pretty screwed up. so for 2 weeks i've been trying to type in "MY EMAIL IS SHUXUAN79@HOTMAIL.COM!!!" to brianna, but i couldnt. wtff.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

baby baby. its 5th jan. and i miss u so so much. =( was so glad u called, but must still act normal in front of mommy. typing this sms before i sleep. cant send it but just wanna keep a note. love u deardear. i cant stand being separated from u like that. =( miss u tonnes... nites. muacks.

baby u just called me!!! =)=)=) so happy lo. cos before that i was extremely irritated w mommy alr. she's like eve. dont have my daddy to scold her then she super mafan and screwed up. i'd rather come kl and walk alone. =( baby i miss u.

its 6th! went berjaya times sq today and bought so many things! hee. got u smth small too. =) oh yea, went back to ed hardy shop and bought alotta stuff. tired alr. im turning in. i wanna hug hug u to bed. nites baby. love you. im looking forward to ur call tmr!

its my last night in kl. i miss u alot. i do. but i also realized how insecure i get when im not near u. might be the usual insecurity bout ur ex, the pictures, or simply the fact that u have left me before. this trip kinda made me realize how fragile i am in this r/s. a couple that cannot stay apart, cannot stay tgt. cos that shows me that i have no faith, no trust, and no security bout u or this r/s. too many cracks in our 3yrs tgt. too many cracks u and i cant conceal. im sure u know what i mean. goodnight.

its almost 9. gonna check in at kl airport alr. bought alot more stuff today. gosh. was talking to mommy bout u. she seemed fine. asked me wad u were doing etc. =) talking bout u really made me miss u even more. haa. huggs. so many things to carry. nearly exceed baggage limit. haha. oki i'll be back in sg soon! muacks!

back in sg. now having supper w parents. when u called on my way back, and told me wad u did this evening, i think i understand why i never take your promises seriously. cos u make promises too easily, and almost always fail to deliver. slowly, trust dies. so u never succeed in making me feel secure. not that ur promise of not going out matters alot. not that i mind u going out w ur colleagues. the point is that u promise too easily, and u have never fulfilled ur promises. mean what u say. say what u mean. if not, ppl will just think ur words are worthless. over time, that's exactly how i feel now.

that's what i have to say. all kept as drafts in my phone.

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