im missing you more than ever
Thursday, November 29, 2007

luo zhi xiang's new song is so catchy.
woo baby baby woo baby baby woo love~~

i've nv been in sucha messy breakup, and honestly, its hard to handle. thot it'd be easy to just shrug it off and move on, but apparently not this time round. starting to think that i shdnt even START a r/s, so i don't have to go thru the hassle of ENDING one. gosh..

nic's been really supportive. of cos i do realize that he might have ulterior motives. but im just glad there's someone as nice as him at times like these. haa.. he's indeed my life buoy in times of need. =p perhaps i've alr taken him as my "spare tyre" subconsciously.. but i really don't want that to happen. sighs. as much as im comforted by his presence, i feel damn bad. will anyone understand that kinda feeling?

hazei's been real kind to accompany me so i wont be lonely.. suppers and all that.. really appreciate it. i don't know how to face her regarding nic. she's always putting up a strong front about nic and i know that. nic likes me and she knows that. its just plain awkward. i dun even know how to get out of a fix like that. its complicated. i love hazei.. she's sucha darling. sometimes i do think i reject nic partially cos i'll not be able to remain frens w her... sighs.

zk.. i really hope he'd get over all this soon. as much as i wanna break up and act like i dont give a damn, i do care about how he's getting on. like how he moves on and stuff.. just wish that he could put this behind him and move on. if im lucky i might just see him w someone else in the near future. that'd put my mind at ease. at the same time, i dun want him to misunderstand that im caring for him.. cos i only wish to care for him in my capacity as a friend. i still wish that he can do well in his job, have a good relationship w his mom and dad and sis, enjoy himself w his friends... and find a good gf! seriously, honestly, i wasnt and havent been a good gf all this while. rather than say who isnt good enough for who.. i think i'd say that we arent compatible.

then again, reflecting on my past relationships.. i think i've lost more and more trust in guys. oh ohh... the next guy will have a tough time gaining my trust. (as usual!) haa.. feels good to blabber nonsense on blogs. =) im turning in! INTERVIEW TMR!!

Saturday, November 24, 2007

if ur aim is to irritate me or make me jealous, u've succeeded. happy? there are certain details i do not have to, and do not WISH to know. u've only displayed ur ugly character by doing all that u're doing. if i say it doesnt matter to me, i must be lying. the only reason im upset is cos it does matter to me. in fact, it matters a lot. knowing that, u're using this very reason to irritate me and piss me off. the duration of a r/s really doesnt prove anything. it means NOTHING even if a couple manage to stay tgt after a yr plus. now, everything between us means zilch. from this moment on, limzhikai is no longer a necessity. no more. cos his importance to me only makes me upset.

i'd rather love someone who loves me and respects my views.

my whimsical virgin moments

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